Weikai Mao

Weikai Mao



© 2024

Object Detection: YOLOv2

The contents in this post are excerpted from the paper “YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger” 1, with a little bit modification, as my notes for this paper.


YOLO9000 is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system that can detect over 9000 object categories. We propose a method to jointly train on object detection and classification. Using this method we train YOLO9000 simultaneously on the COCO detection dataset and the ImageNet classification dataset. Our joint training allows YOLO9000 to predict detections for object classes that don’t have labelled detection data.

1. Introduction

We propose a new method to harness the large a mount of classfication data and use it to expand the scope of current detection systems. Our method uses a hierarchical view of object classification that allows us to combine distinct datasets together.

We also propose a joint training algorithm that allows us to train object detectors on both detection and classification data. Our method leverages labeled detection images to learn to precisely localize objects while it uses classification images to increase its vocabulary and robustness.

First we improve upon the base YOLO detection system to produce YOLOv2, a state-of-the-art, real-time detector. Then we use our dataset combination method and joint training algorithm to train a model on more than 9000 classes from ImageNet as well as detection data from COCO.

2. Better

We focus mainly on improving recall and localization (shortcomings of YOLO) while maintaining classification accuracy.

  • Batch Normalization. Batch normalization leads to significant improvements in convergence while eliminating the need for other forms of regularization. This more than 2% improvement in mAP.
  • High Resolution Classifier. Make a transition from pretraining to fine tuning if the datasets are different in some aspects. The original YOLO trains the classifier network at 224 × 224 and increases the resolution to 448 for detection. This means the network has to simultaneously switch to learning object detection and adjust to the new input resolution. For YOLOv2 we first fine tune the classification network at the full 448 × 448 resolution for 10 epochs on ImageNet. This gives the network time to adjust its filters to work better on higher resolution input. We then fine tune the resulting network on detection. This gives an increase of almost 4% mAP.
  • Convolutional with Anchor Boxes. Recall increases but mAP decreases.
  • Dimension Clusters. Instead of choosing priors (anchor box dimensions) by hand, we run k-means clustering on the training set bounding boxes to automatically find good priors. We use IOU as the k-means distance metric. This gives much better IOU result.
  • Direct Location Prediction.
  • Fine-Grained Features. Adding a passthrough layer that brings features from an earlier layer. The passthrough layer concatenates the higher resolution features with the low resolution features by stacking adjacent features into different channels instead of spatial locations.
  • Multi-Scale Training 2. Since the model only uses convolutional and pooling layers it can be resized on the fly. We want YOLOv2 to be robust to running on images of different sizes so we train this into the model. Every 10 batches our network randomly chooses a new image dimension size and continue training. Note that the YOLOv2 288 × 288 ~ YOLOv2 544 × 544 are the same network with different input image size. The network runs faster at smaller sizes so YOLOv2 offers an easy trade off between speed and accuracy.

3. Faster

Darknet-19 has 19 convolutional layers and 5 maxpooling layers.

During training we use standard data augmentation tricks including random crops, rotations, and hue, saturation, and exposure shifts.

4. Stronger

Jointly Training

We propose a mechanism for jointly training on classification and detection data. Our method uses images labelled for detection to learn detection-specific information like bounding box coordinate prediction and objectness as well as how to classify common objects. It uses images with only class labels to expand the number of categories it can detect.

During training we mix images from both detection and classification datasets. When our network sees an image labelled for detection we can backpropagate based on the full YOLOv2 loss function. When it sees a classification image we only backpropagate loss from the classification-specific parts of the architecture.

Hierarchical Classification

Multi-class: Most approaches to classification use a softmax layer across all the possible categories to compute the final probability distribution. Using a softmax assumes the classes are mutually exclusive. This presents problems for combining datasets, for example you would not want to combine ImageNet and COCO using this model because the classes “Norfolk terrier” and “dog” are not mutually exclusive.

Multi-label: We could instead use a multi-label model to combine the datasets which does not assume mutual exclusion. However, this approach ignores all the structure we do know about the data, for example that all of the COCO classes are mutually exclusive.

Instead of using multi-class or multi-label, we use hierarchical classification. We use WordTree, a hierarchical model of visual concepts. To perform classification with WordTree we predict conditional probabilities at every node for the probability of each hyponym of that synset given that synset. For example, at the “terrier” node we predict:

\[\text{Pr}(\text{Norfolk terrier} \mid \text{terrier});\ \text{Pr}(\text{Yorkshire terrier} \mid \text{terrier});\ \text{Pr}(\text{Bedlington terrier} \mid \text{terrier});\ \dots\]

If we want to compute the absolute probability for a particular node we simply follow the path through the tree to the root node and multiply to conditional probabilities. So if we want to know if a picture is of a Norfolk terrier we compute:

\[\text{Pr}(\text{Norfolk terrier}) = \text{Pr}(\text{Norfolk terrier} \mid \text{terrier}) \times \text{Pr}(\text{terrier hunting} \mid \text{dog}) \times \dots \\ \times \text{Pr}(\text{mammal} \mid \text{animal}) \times \text{Pr}(\text{animal} \mid \text{physical object})\]
Figure 6: Combining datasets using WordTree hierarchy.
Figure 6: Combining datasets using WordTree hierarchy.

This formulation also works for detection. Now, instead of assuming every image has an object, we use YOLOv2’s objectness predictor to give us the value of Pr(physical object). The detector predicts a bounding box and the tree of probabilities. We traverse the tree down, taking the highest confidence path at every split until we reach some threshold and we predict that object class.


YOLOv2 is state-of-the-art and faster than other detection systems across a variety of detection datasets. Furthermore, it can be run at a variety of image sizes to provide a smooth tradeoff between speed and accuracy.

YOLO9000 is a real-time framework for detection more than 9000 object categories by jointly optimizing detection and classification. We use WordTree to combine data from various sources and our joint optimization technique to train simultaneously on ImageNet and COCO. YOLO9000 is a strong step towards closing the dataset size gap between detection and classification.

Many of our techniques generalize outside of object detection. Our WordTree representation of ImageNet offers a richer, more detailed output space for image classification. Dataset combination using hierarchical classification would be useful in the classification and segmentation domains. Training techniques like multi-scale training could provide benefit across a variety of visual tasks.


  1. Redmon, Joseph, and Ali Farhadi. “YOLO9000: better, faster, stronger.” Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017. 

  2. Perform multi-scale training (yolov2).” Stack Overflow. 2018. 
