Weikai Mao

Weikai Mao



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Notes on "C++ Primer": Chapter 5. Statements

Chapter 5. Statements

Like most languages, C++ provides statements for conditional execution, loops that repeatedly execute the same body of code, and jump statements that interrupt the flow of control.

5.1 Simple Statements

Null Statements

The simplest statement is the empty statement, also known as a null statement, which is a single semicolon:

; // null statement

For example,

// read until we hit end-of-file or find an input equal to sought
while (cin >> s && s != sought)
    ; // null statement
// do something with s

Best Practice: Null statements should be commented. That way anyone reading the code can see that the statement was omitted intentionally.

Beware of Missing or Extraneous Semicolons
ival = v1 + v2;; // ok: second semicolon is a superfluous null statement

Although an unnecessary null statement is often harmless, an extra semicolon following the condition in a while or if can drastically alter the programmer’s intent. For example, the following code will loop indefinitely:

// disaster: extra semicolon: loop body is this null statement
while (iter != svec.end()) ; // the while body is the empty statement
    ++iter; // increment is not part of the loop

Extraneous null statements are not always harmless.

WARNING: Extraneous null statements are not always harmless.

Compound Statements (Blocks)

A compound statement, usually referred to as a block, is a (possibly empty) sequence of statements and declarations surrounded by a pair of curly braces. A block is a scope (§ 2.2.4, p. 48). Names introduced inside a block are accessible only in that block and in blocks nested inside that block.

By enclosing the statements in curly braces, we made them into a single (compound) statement.

We can also define an empty block which is equivalent to a null statement:

while (cin >> s && s != sought)
    { } // empty block

5.2 Statement Scope

We can define variables inside the control structure of the if, switch, while, and for statements. Variables defined in the control structure are visible only within that statement and are out of scope after the statement ends:

while (int i = get_num()) // i is created and initialized on each iteration
    cout << i << endl;
i = 0; // error: i is not accessible outside the loop

If we need access to the control variable, then that variable must be defined outside the statement:

// find the first negative element
auto beg = v.begin();
while (beg != v.end() && *beg >= 0)
if (beg == v.end())
    // we know that all elements in v are greater than or equal to zero

5.3 Conditional Statements

C++ provides two statements, if and switch, that allow for conditional execution.

5.3.1 The if Statement

The syntactic form of the simple if without an else branch is

if (condition)

An if else statement has the form

if (condition)
Using an if else Statement
Nested if Statements
Watch Your Braces

To avoid the problems caused by missing braces, some coding styles recommend always using braces after an if or an else (and also around the bodies of while and for statements). Doing so avoids any possible confusion. It also means that the braces are already in place if later modifications of the code require adding statements.

Dangling else
Controlling the Execution Path with Braces

5.3.2 The switch Statement

The case keyword and its associated value together are known as the case label. case labels must be integral constant expressions (§ 2.4.4, p. 65). It is an error for any two case labels to have the same value.

// counting vewels
// initialize counters for each vowel
unsigned aCnt = 0, eCnt = 0, iCnt = 0, oCnt = 0, uCnt = 0;
char ch;
while (cin >> ch) {
    // if ch is a vowel, increment the appropriate counter
    switch (ch) {
        case 'a':
        case 'e':
        case 'i':
        case 'o':
        case 'u':
Control Flow within a switch

After a case label is matched, execution starts at that label and continues across all the remaining cases or until the program explicitly interrupts it. To avoid executing code for subsequent cases, we must explicitly add a break to tell the compiler to stop execution.

There are also situations that we omit a break statement to allow the program to fall through multiple case labels.

unsigned vowelCnt = 0;
// ...
switch (ch)
    // any occurrence of a, e, i, o, or u increments vowelCnt
    case 'a':
    case 'e':
    case 'i':
    case 'o':
    case 'u':

Because C++ programs are free-form, case labels need not appear on a new line.

switch (ch)
    // alternative legal syntax
    case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u':
Forgetting a break Is a Common Source of Bugs

Best Practice: Although it is not necessary to include a break after the last label of a switch, the safest course is to provide one. That way, if an additional case is added later, the break is already in place.

The default Label

The statements following the default label are executed when no case label matches the value of the switch expression.

// if ch is a vowel, increment the appropriate counter
switch (ch) {
    case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u':

Best Practice: It can be useful to define a default label even if there is no work for the default case. Defining an empty default section indicates to subsequent readers that the case was considered.

Variable Definitions inside the Body of a switch

It is illegal to jump from a place where a variable with an initializer is out of scope to a place where that variable is in scope:

case true:
    // this switch statement is illegal because these initializations might be bypassed
    string file_name; // error: control bypasses an implicitly initialized variable
    int ival = 0; // error: control bypasses an explicitly initialized variable
    int jval; // ok: because jval is not initialized
case false:
    // ok: jval is in scope but is uninitialized
    jval = next_num(); // ok: assign a value to jval
    if (file_name.empty()) // file_name is in scope but wasn't initialized
        // ...

5.4 Iterative Statements

C++ provides three iterative statements (commonly called loops): while, for and do while.

5.4.1 The while Statement

while (condition)

Note: Variables defined in a while condition or while body are created and destroyed on each iteration.

Using a while Loop

5.4.2 Traditional for Statement

The syntactic form of the for statement is:

for (init-statement condition; expression)

or equivalently

for (initializer; condition; expression)

The for and the part inside the parentheses is often referred to as the for header.

Execution Flow in a Traditional for Loop

Executes until the condition is false:

init-statement -> condition is true -> statement (for body) -> expression -> condition is true -> statement -> expression -> … -> condition is false.

Multiple Definitions in the for Header

init-statement can define several objects, but with only a single declaration statement. Therefore, all the variables must have the same base type (§ 2.3, p. 50).

// remember the size of v and stop when we get to the original last element
for (decltype(v.size()) i = 0, sz = v.size(); i != sz; ++i)

In this loop we define both the index, i, and the loop control, sz, in init-statement.

Omitting Parts of the for Header

A for header can omit any (or all) of init-statement, condition, or expression.

We can use a null statement for init-statement when an initialization is unnecessary. For example, we might rewrite the loop that looked for the first negative number in a vector so that it uses a for:

auto beg = v.begin();
for ( /* null */; beg != v.end() && *beg >= 0; ++beg)
    ; // no work to do

Omitting condition is equivalent to writing true as the condition, so the for body must contain a statement that exits the loop.

for (int i = 0; /* no condition */ ; ++i) {
    // process i; code inside the loop must stop the iteration!

We can also omit expression from the for header. In such loops, either the condition or the body must do something to advance the iteration. As an example, we’ll rewrite the while loop that read input into a vector of ints, and we let the condition change the value of i:

vector<int> v;
for (int i; cin >> i; /* no expression */ )

5.4.3 Range for Statement

The new standard introduced the range for statement that can be used to iterate through the elements of a container or other sequence.

for (declaration : expression)

The expression must represent a sequence, such as a braced initializer list (§ 3.3.1, p. 98), an array (§ 3.5, p. 113), or an object of a type such as vector or string that has begin and end members that return iterators (§ 3.4, p. 106).

The declaration defines a variable. It must be possible to convert each element of the sequence to the variable’s type (§ 4.11, p. 159). The easiest way to ensure that the types match is to use the auto type specifier (§ 2.5.2, p. 68).

An example that doubles the value of each element in a vector:

vector<int> v = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
// range variable must be a reference so we can write to the elements
for (auto &r : v) // for each element in v
    r *= 2; // double the value of each element in v

is equivalent to

for (auto beg = v.begin(), end = v.end(); beg != end; ++beg) {
    auto &r = *beg; // r must be a reference so we can change the element
    r *= 2; // double the value of each element in v

Now that we know how a range for works, we can understand why we said in § 3.3.2 (p. 101) that we cannot use a range for to add elements to a vector (or other container). In a range for, the value of end() is cached. If we add elements to (or remove them from) the sequence, the value of end might be invalidated (§ 3.4.1, p. 110). We’ll have more to say about these matters in § 9.3.6 (p. 353).

5.4.4 The do while Statement

The condition is tested after the loop body completes. The loop body is executed at least once.

while (condition);

5.5 Jump Statements

Jump statements interrupt the flow of execution. C++ offers four jumps: break, continue, goto, and return.

5.5.1 The break Statement

A break can appear only within an iteration statement or switch statement.

5.5.2 The continue Statement

A continue can appear only inside an iterative statement.

5.5.3 The goto Statement

goto label;

where label is an identifier that identifies a labeled statement.

label: ... // labeled statement; may be the target of a goto

5.6 try Blocks and Exception Handling

Exceptions are run-time anomalies.

In C++, exception handling involves throw expressions, try blocks and a set of exception classes.

5.6.1 A throw Expression

The detecting part of a program uses a throw expression to raise an exception.

throw runtime_error("Exception message")

The type runtime_error is one of the standard library exception types and is defined in the stdexcept header. We must initialize a runtime_error by giving it a string or a C-style character string (§ 3.5.4, p. 122).

5.6.2 The try Block

try {
} catch (exception-declaration) {
} catch (exception-declaration) {
} // ...
Writing a Handler
try {
    // ...
} catch (runtime_error err) {
    cout << err.what()
    // ...

err has type runtime_error and what is a member function (§ 1.5.2, p. 23) of the runtime_error class. Each of the library exception classes defines a member function named what. These functions take no arguments and return a C-style character string (i.e., a const char*). The what member of runtime_error returns a copy of the string (i.e. the "Exception message") used to initialize the particular object.

Functions Are Exited during the Search for a Handler

If a program has no try blocks or no appropriate catch is found, a library function named terminate is called and the the program is aborted.

5.6.3 Standard Exceptions

The C++ library defines several classes that it uses to report problems encountered in the functions in the standard library. These classes are defined in four headers:

  • The exception header defines the most general kind of exception class named exception. It communicates only that an exception occurred but provides no additional information.
  • The stdexcept header defines several general-purpose exception classes, which are listed in Table 5.1.
  • The new header defines the bad_alloc exception type, which we cover in § 12.1.2 (p. 458).
  • The type_info header defines the bad_cast exception type, which we cover in § 19.2 (p. 825).
Table 5.1. Standard Exception Classes Defined in <stdexcept> (Source)

The exception types define only a single operation named what.

Chapter Summary

C++ provides a limited number of statements. Most of these affect the flow of control within a program:

  • while, for, and do while statements, which provide iterative execution.
  • if and switch, which provide conditional execution.
  • continue, which stops the current iteration of a loop.
  • break, which exits a loop or switch statement.
  • goto, which transfers control to a labeled statement.
  • try and catch, which define a try block enclosing a sequence of statements that might throw an exception. The catch clause(s) are intended to handle the exception(s) that the enclosed code might throw.
  • throw expression statements, which exit a block of code, transferring control to an associated catch clause.
  • return, which stops execution of a function.

In addition, there are expression statements and declaration statements. An expression statement causes the subject expression to be evaluated. Declarations and definitions of variables were described in Chapter 2.

Defined Terms

block Sequence of zero or more statements enclosed in curly braces.

compound statement Synonym for block.

exception safe Term used to describe programs that behave correctly when exceptions are thrown.

flow of control Execution path through a program.

raise Often used as a synonym for throw. C++ programmers speak of “throwing” or “raising” an exception interchangeably.


Lippman, Stanley B., Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo. C++ Primer. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012.
